Am 19.01.2016 um 20:37 schrieb Andrus, Brian Contractor:
I am testing our slurm to replace our torque/moab setup here.

The issue I have is to try and put all our node names in the NodeName
and PartitionName entries.
In our cluster, we name our nodes compute-<rack>-<row>
That seems to be problem enough with the abilities to use ranges in
slurm, but it is compounded with the fact that the folks put the nodes
in keeping 1u of space in between.
So I have compute-1-[1,3,5,7,9,11...41]

Why not simply use a comma separated list _generated_ from your inventory / DNS / /etc/hosts / etc. .?

When you have outliers (2U, 4U -- do they have more resources too!?) it would make sense to group/partition by resources anyway. What are you using to manage inventory? Most configuration management and provisioning tools I know provide you with the necessary tools -- have a look at puppetlabs facter (or alternatives).
Multiple node names may be comma separated (e.g. "alpha,beta,gamma") and/or a simple node range expression may optionally be used to specify numeric ranges of nodes to avoid building a configuration file with large numbers of entries. The node range expression can contain one pair of square brackets with a sequence of comma separated numbers and/or ranges of numbers separated by a "-" (e.g. "linux[0-64,128]", or "lx[15,18,32-33]"). Note that the numeric ranges can include one or more leading zeros to indicate the numeric portion has a fixed number of digits (e.g. "linux[0000-1023]"). Up to two numeric ranges can be included in the expression (e.g. "rack[0-63]_blade[0-41]"). If one or more numeric expressions are included, one of them must be at the end of the name (e.g. "unit[0-31]rack" is invalid), but arbitrary names can always be used in a comma separated list.

Complicating that logic wouldn't make much sense to me.
Mapping host names to partitions shouldn't be too hard to script.
In the worst case you copy the full/per-rack/per-resources host list to partitions and manually cherry-pick afterwards.

FSU Jena |
vox: +49 3641 9 44323 | fax: +49 3641 9 44321

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