We use the showq tool. We are looking into fairshare plotting over time. I've been doing it on our test cluster and seeing the evolution of fairshare overtime really gives you a good feel for what your usage is and what is going on. We haven't implemented it yet though as we would need to set up a data repository for historic fairshare data. Still it is on our docket to do.

sshare is a great way of seeing things too, though it can be a bit much for your average user.

-Paul Edmon-

On 03/01/2016 04:52 AM, Chris Samuel wrote:
Hi Loris,

On Tue, 1 Mar 2016 12:29:12 AM Loris Bennett wrote:

To help the user understand their current fairshare/priority status, I
usually point them to 'sprio', generally in the following incantation:

sprio -l | sort -nk3

to get the jobs sorted by priority.
Thanks for that, our local version of "showq" already orders waiting jobs by
priority, so I'll direct users to that first, and then to sprio to get a
breakdown of priority.

All the best,

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