I'm interested in this as well. It would be good to have a few knobs to fine tune which jobs preferentially get requeued. I know it adds overhead to the scheduling but the benefit to us outweighs that. Essentially it would be good to both preempt jobs that are small and short before the big ones or have been running for a long time.

-Paul Edmon-

On 06/10/2016 02:36 AM, Steffen Grunewald wrote:
Good morning everyone,

is there a way to control the order in which jobs get preempted?
That is, for a queue with PreemptMode=REQUEUE, it would make sense to
preempt jobs first that haven't run for long; for CANCEL with some
GraceTime, perhaps addressing the longest-running jobs first would
be better - can Slurm's strategy be hinted twoards the "right" way?


- S

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