I'm using slurm 2.3.4 and yes all of them running in different nodes.
And no, I don't get any error if I submit a job requesting 9 nodes.

Thanks for your help!
Best !

De: Carlos Fenoy [mini...@gmail.com]
Enviado: martes, 26 de julio de 2016 12:31
Para: slurm-dev
Asunto: [Spam] [slurm-dev] Re: MaxNodes

Are all the jobs running in different nodes? What version of slurm are you 
using? If you try to submit a job requesting 9 nodes do you get an error?

On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 12:24 PM, Luque, N.B. 
<n.b.lu...@vu.nl<mailto:n.b.lu...@vu.nl>> wrote:
Thanks a lot Kent Engström for your help.
I guess that what I wanted was GrpNodes, I set them now
$ sudo sacctmgr modify user nluque account=tcvu set GrpNodes=8
then I restart slurm as before and nothing change I still can run 12 jobs in 
different nodes.
Then I change AccountingStorageEnforce=limits,qos
And restart slurm.
But still, nothing changed
What am I missing?

Thanks a lot for your help!!!
Best regards,

On 26 Jul 2016, at 11:26, Kent Engström 
<k...@nsc.liu.se<mailto:k...@nsc.liu.se>> wrote:

"Luque, N.B." <n.b.lu...@vu.nl<mailto:n.b.lu...@vu.nl>> writes:
Dear all,

I tried to set the maxnodes per user =8 in slurm but it is not working.
$ sudo sacctmgr modify user nluque account=tcvu set MaxNodes=8
It looks fine to me, but then...
I then submit 9-10 works and all of them were running, so, I don’t know what 
else to do.

Are you trying to set the maximum number of nodes *per job*? In that case,
MaxNodes seem to be the right limit, as per the sacctmgr man page:

MaxNodes=<max nodes>
   Maximum number of nodes each job is able to use in
   this association. [...]

Are you trying to set a maximum number of nodes for all jobs? Then
GrpNodes could be what you are looking for instead?

GrpNodes=<max nodes>
   Maximum number of nodes running jobs are able to be allocated in
   aggregate for this association and all associations which are
   children of this association. [...]

Best Regards,
/ Kent Engström, NSC

Carles Fenoy=

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