On 26/08/16 23:03, Michael Di Domenico wrote:

> is it off by default?  we're running the default openib stack in rhel
> 6.7.   i'm not even sure where to check for it being on/off, i've
> never had to specifically enable/disable UD before, i thought it was
> always the programs choice whether to run UD or RC

Our xCAT postinstall script for creating RAMdisk images for our compute
nodes has:

# Now needed on and off respectively for RHEL 6.6
chroot ${1} chkconfig rdma on
chroot ${1} chkconfig ibacm off

The chroot is because the script runs outside of the area the RAMdisk
image is being constructed inside - we've used this for stock RHEL 6.6,
6.7 and 6.8 with Open-MPI 1.6, 1.8 and 1.10 without issues.

All the best,
 Christopher Samuel        Senior Systems Administrator
 VLSCI - Victorian Life Sciences Computation Initiative
 Email: sam...@unimelb.edu.au Phone: +61 (0)3 903 55545
 http://www.vlsci.org.au/      http://twitter.com/vlsci

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