
We were running slurm 16.05.0 and just upgraded to 16.05.7 during our Fall 
maintenance cycle along with other changes.  Now we are having a very strange 

* When a regular user requests 6 or fewer nodes, one is able to do so without 

* When a regular user requests 7 or more nodes, one gets the following error:

hostlist.c:1007: hostrange shift: malloc failed
Aborted (core dumped)

* It doesn't matter which nodes are being requested ... I've verified that I 
*can* allocate across any node ... just not more than 6;

* The root user can request any number of nodes;

I should say that I do *not* believe this is due to the upgrade per se.  There 
were other changes made during downtime, including to how groups are named and 
handled.  I expect it to be a permissions problem somewhere, but the logs are 
not helpful.  Indeed, I rolled back to 16.05.0 and still get this error.

Any help where to look would be appreciated.



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