

sacct -a --
AllocCPUS,job,state -X

Note the -X flag.

-X, --allocations:  Only show cumulative statistics for each job, not
the intermediate steps.

Nicholas McCollum
HPC Systems Administrator
Alabama Supercomputer Authority

On Mon, 2017-03-13 at 08:07 -0700, Hossein Pourreza wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to get some information from the SLURM accounting
> database but I cannot get them in one line (please see below). For
> example, the number of actual cores is one line but that line is
> missing the MaxRSS field.
> submit,start,partition,timeLimit,elapsed,TotalCPU,ReqMem,MaxRSS,Alloc
> CPUS,job,state
> 2017-02-01T15:30:12,2017-02-01T15:33:59,partition_name,1-
> 12:00:00,00:19:50,00:00.056,2240Mc,,448,531531,CANCELLED
> 2017-02-01T15:33:59,2017-02-
> 01T15:33:59,,00:19:50,00:00.056,2240Mc,3684K,28,531531.batch,FAILED
> Is there any way to combine them or I need to use another script to
> do that? I also want to get one line if the job has multiple steps.
> Thanks
> Hossein

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