Hi all,

   We've been facing problems with the accounting module of SLURM:

   There are big differences between the used CPU time given by 'sreport'
   and the sum of the jobs times given by 'sacct'. Searching for an
   explanation, we check the database and compare all the data; sreport,
   sacct and the raw data from the db. The information from the database
   and sacct are slightly different, but sreport always differs a lot;
   sometimes much higher, other much lower.


   sreport cluster UserUtilizationByAccount cluster=leftraru user=username 
start=09/30/16T00:00:00 end=03/30/17T00:00:00 format=Login,Used -t Hours -n
   username: 47436 Hours   

   sacct -T -P -n -u username -S 09/30/16T00:00:00 -E 03/30/17T00:00:00 -o 
CPUTIMERAW | awk '{ SUM += $1} END { print SUM/3600}’
   username: 5670 Hours   

   On the database, we found that some tasks does not have an EndTime. We
   find on the documentation the 'sacctmgr show RunAwayJobs' command to
   solve this problem, but in the slurm 17.02.1-2 version it does not
   work; many tasks still does not have an end time. This is the main
   reason why we suspect the notorious difference between sreport and
   sacct. But the strange things does not end here, some tasks does not
   have StartTime. The database is a mess.

   Anyone have an idea about this?.

   Thanks in advance,


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