Hi Mahmood

> [root@cluster ~]# ps aux | grep slurmdb
> root      3406  0.0  0.0 338636  2672 ?        Sl   00:26   0:01
> /usr/sbin/slurmdbd
> root     17146  0.0  0.0 105308   888 pts/2    S+   13:26   0:00 grep

That's good. What does its /var/log/slurm/slurmdbd.log say? Any errors?

> >Is slurm.conf pointing to the right slurmdbd host
> There is no such parameter

Odd. What version of Slurm have you got installed? I've got one in mine
(16.05.9) and I've set it when I was using older versions. But let's assume
that it's defaulting to localhost: can you check that you can telnet
localhost 6819 and get a TCP connection? BTW, was the failing sacctmgr
running from the same machine where slurmdbd is running? If not, can you
check that you can telnet <slurmdbd host> 6819 and get a TCP connection?

Something else to check is if you've got a firewall getting in the way, or
if sacctmgr is going to the right IP address. Some of the things I'd try:

- tcpdump for packet tracing
- strace to see what connections are being attempted by sacctmgr

Something else I've seen happen before is slurmdbd being unresponsive due
to a memory leak that it used to have on some older version. Keep digging
and you should find clues as to why this is not working for you.


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