Christopher Samuel <> writes:

> On 20/09/17 03:03, Carlos Lijeron wrote:
>> I'm trying to enable accounting on our SLURM configuration, but our
>> cluster is managed by Bright Management which has its own LDAP for users
>> and groups.   When setting up SLURM accounting, I don't know how to make
>> the connection between the users and groups from the LDAP as opposed to
>> the local UNIX.
> Slurm just uses the host's NSS config for that, so as long as the OS can
> see the users and groups then slurmdbd will be able to see them too.
> *However*, you _still_ need to manually create users in slurmdbd to
> ensure that they can run jobs, but that's a separate issue to whether
> slurmdbd can resolve users in LDAP.
> I would hope that Bright would have the ability to do that for you
> rather than having you handle it manually, but that's a question for Bright.

Our version, Bright Cluster Manger 5.2, doesn't have any features to help set up
accounting in Slurm, but then again it's a pretty old version and things
may have changed.

Having said that, the only scenario I can see being easily automated is
one where each user only has one association, namely with their Unix
group, and everyone has equal shares.  This is our set up, but as soon
as you have, say, users with multiple associations and/or membership in some
associations confers more shares automation becomes very difficult.



Dr. Loris Bennett (Mr.)
ZEDAT, Freie Universität Berlin         Email

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