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On 01/14/2018 09:11 PM, Lachlan Musicman wrote:
> Hi all,
> As part of both Munge and SLURM, time synchronised servers are
> necessary.
> I keep finding chrony installed and running and ntpd stopped. I
> turn chrony off and restart/enable ntpd but every CentOS point
> update it seems to flip.
> From what I've read ntpd is better for always on devices, and
> chrony's been created for devices with a more intermittent access
> to a time server/the internet.
> What are people's thoughts and what are people using?

I use the OS default, which on CentOS 7 is chrony, unless there is
some reason to do otherwise. One example of that is Cloudera Hadoop,
if my limited familiarity with it and memory of it is correct. The
monitoring software looks for NTPD, so that's what we use there.

If the time gets set properly and it's low maintenance, I don't care
what's used, apart from a slight preference for using what most people
would expect I'd be using (install with the fewest possible exceptions
that might need to be documented in an ideal world).

- -- 
 || \\UTGERS,     |----------------------*O*------------------------
 ||_// the State  |    Ryan Novosielski - novos...@rutgers.edu
 || \\ University | Sr. Technologist - 973/972.0922 ~*~ RBHS Campus
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