
The manpage for version 17.02.9 of 'scontrol' says the following about
the argument for 'hold':

  The job_list argument is a comma separated list of job IDs OR
  "jobname=" with the job’s name

I am trying to put a number of jobs with the job name "g09" on hold.
However, I can't get the syntax right.

  scontrol hold jobname=g09
  scontrol hold jobname="g09"
  scontrol hold "jobname=g09"

all give me the error:

  Invalid job id specified for job jobname=g09
  slurm_suspend error: Invalid job id specified

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?



Dr. Loris Bennett (Mr.)
ZEDAT, Freie Universität Berlin         Email loris.benn...@fu-berlin.de

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