We are pleased to announce the availability of Slurm version 17.11.9.

This includes 10 fixes made since 17.11.8 was released last month, including a fix to prevent hung srun processes that can manifest during massively parallel jobs.

Slurm can be downloaded from https://www.schedmd.com/downloads.php .

- Tim

Tim Wickberg
Chief Technology Officer, SchedMD LLC
Commercial Slurm Development and Support

* Changes in Slurm 17.11.9
 -- Fix segfault in slurmctld when a job's node bitmap is NULL during a
    scheduling cycle.  Primarily caused by EnforcePartLimits=ALL.
 -- Remove erroneous unlock in acct_gather_energy/ipmi.
 -- Enable support for hwloc version 2.0.1.
 -- Fix 'srun -q' (--qos) option handling.
 -- Fix socket communication issue that can lead to lost task completion
    messages, which will cause a permanently stuck srun process.
 -- Handle creation of TMPDIR if environment variable is set or changed in
    a task prolog script.
 -- Avoid node layout fragmentation if running with a fixed CPU count but
    without Sockets and CoresPerSocket defined.
 -- burst_buffer/cray - Fix datawarp swap default pool overriding jobdw.
 -- Fix incorrect job priority assignment for multi-partition job with
    different PriorityTier settings on the partitions.
 -- Fix sinfo to print correct node state

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