We are pleased to announce the availability of Slurm versions 18.08.3 and 17.11.12.

These versions include a fix for a regression introduced in 18.08.2 and 17.11.11 that could lead to a loss of accounting records if the slurmdbd was offline. All sites with 18.08.2 or 17.11.11 slurmctld processes are encouraged to upgrade them ASAP.

Slurm can be downloaded from https://www.schedmd.com/downloads.php .

- Tim

Tim Wickberg
Chief Technology Officer, SchedMD LLC
Commercial Slurm Development and Support

* Changes in Slurm 18.08.3
 -- Fix regression in 18.08.2 that caused dbd messages to not be queued up
    when the dbd was down.
 -- Fix regression in 18.08.1 that can cause a slurmctld crash when splitting
    job array elements.

* Changes in Slurm 17.11.12
 -- Fix regression in 17.11.10 that caused dbd messages to not be queued up
    when the dbd was down.

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