I think we would need to see your SuspendScript to get a better idea of what is happening.

That error indicates the nodes are likely not running slurmd and the control daemon things they are still up.

What is the output of 'sinfo -R'?

Brian Andrus

On 1/7/2020 3:42 AM, Steve Brasier wrote:
Hi all,

I've got elastic compute working with slurm but on "suspend" I get something like the following in the slurmcltd log:

power down request repeating for node compute-2
power down request repeating for node compute-3
error: Nodes compute-[2-3] not responding

The docs say that the SuspendScript should only have to return the nodes to the cloud - but the above suggests that maybe the script should also notify the slurmctld that the nodes are offline? Is that right, and if so what state should they be set to?

many thanks

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