Hi Team,

i have 2 small query.because of the lack of testing environment i am unable
to test the scenario. working on to set up a test environment.

1. In my environment i am unable to pass #SBATCH --mem-2GB option.
i found the reason is because there is no RealMemory entry in the node
definition of the slurm.

NodeName=Node[1-12] NodeHostname=deda1x[1450-1461] NodeAddr=Node[1-12]
Sockets=2 CoresPerSocket=10 State=UNKNOWN

if i add the RealMemory it should be able to pick. So my query here is, is
it possible to add RealMemory in the definition anytime while the jobs are
in progres and execute the scontrol reconfigure and reload the daemon on
client node?  or do we need to take a downtime?(which i don't think so)

2. Also I would like to know what will happen if some jobs are running in a
partition(say test) and I will move the associated node to some other
partition(say normal) without draining the node.or if i suspend the job and
then change the node partition and will resume the job. I am not deleting
the partition here.


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