Thank you Michael/Willy/Jeffrey - these example scripts and the template
were very helpful.

On Wed, Jul 15, 2020 at 5:24 PM Jeffrey T Frey <> wrote:

> On our HPC systems we have a lot of users attempting to organize job
> arrays for varying purposes -- parameter scans, SSMD (Single-Script,
> Multiple Datasets).  We eventually wrote an abstract utility to try to help
> them with the process:
> May be of some use to you.
> On Jul 15, 2020, at 16:13 , c b <> wrote:
> I'm trying to run an embarrassingly parallel experiment, with 500+ tasks
> that all differ in one parameter.  e.g.:
> job 1 - foo
> job 2 - bar
> job 3 - baz
> and so on.
> This seems like a case where having a slurm array hold all of these jobs
> would help, so I could just submit one job to my cluster instead of 500
> individual jobs.  It seems like sarray is only set up for varying an
> integer index parameter.  How would i do this for non-numeric values (say,
> if the parameter I'm varying is a string in a given list) ?

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