For the first does MaxJobs not do that?  For the second you can set MaxJobsPerUser.  That's what we do here for our test partition, we set a limit of 5 jobs per user running at any given time.

You can then tie the QoS to a specific partition using the QoS option in the partition config in slurm.conf

-Paul Edmon-

On 3/9/2021 5:10 AM, LEROY Christine 208562 wrote:

I’d like to reproduce a configuration we had with torque on queues/partitions :
•       how to set a maximum number of running jobs on a queue ?
•       and a maximum number of running jobs per user for all the users 
(whatever is the user)?
There is a qos with slurm but it seems always attached to a user or an account, 
not to a partition ?
What would be the best thing to do here ?

Thanks in advance,
Christine Leroy

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