The slurm docs say you can do two major releases at a time (

"Almost every new major release of Slurm (e.g. 20.02.x to 20.11.x) involves changes to the state files with new data structures, new options, etc. Slurm permits upgrades to a new major release from the past two major releases, which happen every nine months (e.g. 20.02.x or 20.11.x to 21.08.x) without loss of jobs or other state information."

As for old versions of slurm I think at this point you would need to contact SchedMD.  I'm sure they have past releases they can hand out if you are bootstrapping to a newer release.

-Paul Edmon-

On 5/17/22 11:42 AM, byron wrote:
Thanks Brian for the speedy responce.

Am I not correct in thinking that if I just go from 19.05 to 20.11 then there is the advantage that I can upgrade slurmd and slurmctld in one go and it won't affect the running jobs since upgrading to a new major release from the past two major releases doesn't affect the state information.  Or are you saying that  in this case (19.05  direct to 21.08) there isn't any impact to running jobs either.  Or did you step through all the versions when upgrading slurmd and slurmctld also?

Also where do I get a copy of 20.2 from if schedMD aren't providing it as a download.


On Tue, May 17, 2022 at 4:05 PM Brian Andrus <> wrote:

    You need to step upgrade through major versions (not minor).

    So 19.05=>20.x

    I would highly recommend going to 21.08 while you are at it.
    I just did the same migration (although they started at 18.x) with no
    issues. Running jobs were not impacted and users didn't even notice.

    Brian Andrus

    On 5/17/2022 7:35 AM, byron wrote:
    > Hi
    > I'm looking at upgrading our install of slurm from 19.05 to
    20.11 in
    > responce to the recenty announced security vulnerabilities.
    > I've been through the documentation / forums and have managed to
    > the answers to most of my questions but am still unclear about the
    > following
    >  - In upgrading the slurmdbd from 19.05 to 20.11 do I need to go
    > through all the versions (19.05 => 20.2 => 20.11)? From reading the
    > forums it look as though it is necesary
    >    However if that is the case it would seem strange that
    SchedMD have
    > removed 20.2 from the downloads page (I understand the reason is
    > it contains the exploit) if it is still required for the upgrade.
    > - We are running version 5.5.68 of the MariaDB, the version that
    > with centos7.9.   I've seen a few references to upgrading v5.5 but
    > they were in the context of upgrading from slurm 17 to 18.  I'm
    > wondering if its ok to stick with this version since we're
    already on
    > slurm 19.05.
    > Any help much appreciated.

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