Mark Lanctot wrote:
> The Seagate 600 SSD does not appear in the smartmontools database.  I 
> tried to update the database but got the following error:
> "/var/lib/smartmontools/drivedb/drivedb.h.error: rejected by 
> /usr/sbin/smartctl, probably no longer compatible"
> (yet I'm using smartmontools 6.2)

> smartctl 6.2 2013-04-20 r3812 [x86_64-linux-3.11.0-12-generic] ...

This is a SVN snapshot build, 6.2 final is 2013-07-26 r3841. The update 
script failed because the script wasn't yet updated for new repository URL.

> Anyway, I checked the database, the Seagate 600 does not appear.
> Attached please find the output of smartctl -x /dev/sdX.
> Please note that attribute 234 is unknown - alarmingly, "Disks" 
> (formerly palimpsest) refers to this as "uncorrectable ECC count".  Of 
> course I'm aware that this is different software than smartmontools - 
> it would be nice if smartmontools could correctly identify this 
> attribute to put a "Disks" user's mind at ease.
> Note also there is some speculation that attributes 241 and 242 have 
> inaccurate descriptions and should instead read "Host_Writes_32MiB" 
> and "Host_Reads_32MiB".  See

Thanks for the info - added to my todo list.

> Thank you for your assistance, and thank you for smartmontools!

You're welcome


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