I'm not here to reiterate a discussion. Just for curiosity.
I have a server (Fujitsu Primergy RX300 S8) with a RAID card (LSI
D2607). And 6 SATA disks, 3TB each one.
I cannot configure disks as JBOD, but as usual in this case, I've
created 6 RAID0 volumes.

I have no way to put zil in an SSD.
I've then tried to configure the zpool in two ways:
- 3 two-way mirrors
- raidz2

If I use a command like this:
dd if=/dev/zero of=prova bs=128k count=10000

I get these results (average).

- mirror

in the GZ 1734 MB/s
in a zone 382 MB/s
in a KVM  149 MB/s

- raidz2

in the GZ 1597 MB/s
in a zone 302 MB/s
in a KVM  30.8 MB/s

30.8 MB/s is poor!
And why so much difference between zones and GZ?


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