I can reproduce this under ubuntu:

On 2016-06-01 20:51, Robert Mustacchi wrote:
On 5/30/16 6:53 , Kilian Ries wrote:

is there any chance to get nmap running inside a lx-centos7 zone? Already tried it with privileged / unprivileged flag, getting the following errors:


nmap x.x.x.x 22

Starting Nmap 6.40 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2016-05-30 13:46 UTC

dnet: Failed to open device eth0




nmap --unprivileged x.x.x.x 22

Starting Nmap 6.40 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2016-05-30 13:46 UTC

Problem binding to interface , errno: 92

socket_bindtodevice: Protocol not available


The next step i'll try is to build a statically-linked binary under smartos and try to use it via /native in the lx-zone, but isn't there an easier solution?

Could you perhaps strace that so we can see how it's trying to pen the
devices in those cases and what errors it's getting?


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