The old deployment is as is because it was did in this way. We don't have the 
source code and want to keep the old deployment manner.

发件人: Dale Ghent <>
发送时间: 2016年8月25日 9:01:39
主题: Re: [smartos-discuss] a HA DB deployment using COMSTAR

> On Aug 24, 2016, at 8:21 PM, 龙白滔 <> wrote:
> hi,
> We'd like to move a HA DB deployment to SmartOS. The old deplpyment is: a DB 
> server is deployed on SAN storage, and two application servers connect to the 
> DB server and synchronize access(read & write) to it.
> We plan to re-deploy in this way on SmartOS:
> 1. make  a raid10 zpool on a SmartOS machine, create a volume on the zpool 
> and expose the volume as an iSCSI target using COMSTAR;
> 2. deploy the two application servers on two KVM zones, and both connect to 
> the iSCSI target as an iSCSI initiator.
> 3. deploy the DB server on the iSCSI target device.
> Questions:
> 1. is the re-deployment feasible?
> 2. if a native zone is preferable for the application server, how can we 
> synchronize two native zones' access to a same iSCSI target?
> Your comments will be appreciated.

Why not just make a failover database cluster using the database's built-in 
replication, and why do redundant application servers in turn need such a 
heavyweight attempt at making their local storage redundant? App servers 
generally are supposed to depend on nothing more than network connectivity.


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