I'm seeing lots of these messages on the console of a system with a Dell PERC H730 Mini controller:

2016-09-06T03:15:07.044518+00:00 headnode mr_sas: [ID 887724 kern.warning] WARNING: mr_sas0: mrsas_tbolt_reset_ppc:resetadapter bit is set already check retry count 101 2016-09-06T03:15:08.044506+00:00 headnode mr_sas: [ID 270009 kern.warning] WARNING: mr_sas0: io_timeout_checker: FW Fault, calling reset adapter 2016-09-06T03:15:08.044529+00:00 headnode mr_sas: [ID 643100 kern.notice] mr_sas0: io_timeout_checker: fw_outstanding 0x32 max_fw_cmds 0x39F

The messages appear when one KVM is under load and that machine becomes unresponsive. I can still access (but not ssh onto) the GZ and other KVMs on the same system.

A pool scrub ran through without error.

Once the messages start to appear, zpool status hangs.

fmdump -e gives a few of these:

Sep 06 01:40:59.1282 ereport.io.scsi.cmd.disk.dev.uderr

Power cycling the box calms things down until the KVM gets busy again.

Any clues?


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