I have created 2 zones with the goal to stress a network component. This
network component has 4 Gb nics and an embedded DHCP server. 


My idea was to create the two zones with their own nics so all traffic that
flows between the 2 zones will need to pass this network device. 


So I added 2 nics to the SmartOs global zone named test1 and test2 and
created 2 simple zones, zone test1 is connected to nic1 with DHCP enabled,
and zone test2 is connected to nic2. 


Both zones are running and received an IP-address from the network device. 


Test1 =

Test2 = 


In both zones I created a new user called johan

I created  a script that is based on


When I login to Test1 and try ./ scp-speed-test.sh johan@
<mailto:johan@>  it takes about 4 minutes before the scp script
asks for the user's password. 

Same goes for Test2 and ./ scp-speed-test.sh johan@


I tried logging in via ssh and sftp but it takes minutes before I get the
password prompt. 


The network device has no firewall 


Anyone any tips for what I am doing wrong? 

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