
We’ve got a bug report <https://github.com/erigones/esdc-ce/issues/298> about 
the ubuntu-certified-17.10 
 image from images.joyent.com <http://images.joyent.com/> not setting 
/etc/resolv.conf from the resolvers property in vmadm. The 
ubuntu-certified-16.04 image and other ubuntu-certified images before set 
/etc/resolv.conf correctly.

At first, I was thinking that this has something to do with cloud-init. But 
after playing around I noticed that the resolvconf package is missing or was 
removed as there is a symlink to a non-existent file in /run (/etc/resolv.conf 
-> ../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf). Installing resolvconf solves the problem.
However, there is also the systemd-resolved service, which maintains 
/run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf from the first boot. So changing the symlink 
to point to /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf seems to be the best solution.


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