The package exists in OmniOS, so I guess it did compile at somepoint.

~ sjorge 

> On 19 Jan 2018, at 12:28, Paul Sture <> wrote:
>> On 19 Jan 2018, at 12:10, Jonathan Perkin wrote:
>> GNU parted is pretty small so it could be argued it wouldn't have much
>> of an impact, but the principles remain the same.  This is why we
>> prefer to add software to the GZ tools set, available here:
>> which isn't bound by the same restrictions.
> On that subject, are there any notes anywhere about adding packages found
> in the full 64-bit pkgsrc kit to the GZ tools?  I am not asking for additions
> to the official GZ tools package here; I am quite happy to have a way of
> adding extras after the standard GZ tools package has been installed.
> Background to this: before it got trimmed down, the GZ tools package contained
> tree and Mercurial (plus a pile of other stuff).  I find tree an excellent 
> tool
> when exploring a new file system, and I was using Mercurial to manage various
> scripts which logically belong in the GZ alone.  Other folks would no doubt
> like to add their own bits and pieces...

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