
I did a reboot inside of a zone, but the reboot process seems to be stale. 

A vmadm list the zone as down. vmadm stop cannot stop it. 
In /var/adm/messages I found:

2018-03-08T07:26:20.782281+00:00 qsm02 genunix: [ID 621342 kern.notice] Zone 
'9919e66b-1678-cd15-c3b1-b37e0c1e4f7c' (ID: 81) is shutting down, but 2 zone 
references and 6 credential references are still extant [VFS: 1]

How do I find out which references block the zone from shutting down? A

ps -z 9919e66b-1678-cd15-c3b1-b37e0c1e4f7c

is not listing any process. strange. OS is: SmartOS 20171123T033756Z x86_64

So the question is: how can I stop the zone - without rebooting the machine.

Thanks, Stefan

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