I had the Smartos installed on a mirrored setup. The system crashed. The logs 
during bootup it too long to list.  I believe it's a failed hard drive in the 
mirror that failed to recover. I just want to recover the zones.
After installing a new drive, the zpool lists as follows:
[root@server /]# zpool status      pool : zones
     state : ONLINE
      scan : non requested
    config :
             NAME         STATE       READ WRITE CKSUM
             zones        ONLINE         0     0     0
               c2t0do     ONLINE         0     0     0
             logs               c3t1d0     ONLINE         0     0     0errors:  
No known data errors
The zones pool is the newly created zone where to put in the crashed zones.  A 
"logs" pool was created after a fresh install containing the original zones.  
How can I recover the zones that are in "logs"?

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