If you are not using the recently introduced bhyve brand, you can ignore
this message.

With my fix for:

OS-6831 bhyve brand should use zfd for zhyve logging

What you used to find in /zones/$uuid/root/tmp/zhyve.log is now found in
/zones/$uuid/logs/platform.log.  A key difference is that the output is now
a series of json structures, each with its own timestamp.

This uses the existing zfd(7D) logging mechanism and associated attributes
zlog-mode and zlog-max-size in the zone configuration.  The name of the zfd
log is changed from stdio.log to platform.log with the zlog-name
attribute.  bhyve zones that do not have zlog-mode set sill have their
configurations automatically updated at boot time to have:

name: zlog-mode
type: string
value: g--
name: zlog-name
type: string
value: platform.log

This is the first in a series of changes.  Upcoming changes will:

- Add zoneadmd's error messages to platform.log
- Add a new log, console.log, with the output from the zone console.
- Log the duration of all zoneadmd door calls and brand hooks to
platform.log (hackathon)


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