Sweet, thanks Brian and Jorge.  I'll set it to tftp an ipxe image since that's 
what I'm developing against for the bare metal stuff.


> On Jun 12, 2018, at 12:47 AM, Brian Bennett <brian.benn...@joyent.com> wrote:
> You can set nic.*.ip=dhcp for both joyent brand and kvm brand zones.
> For KVM zones you can set "boot": "order=n" for network boot. You'll need a 
> properly configured tftp server. This should work with any image. Another 
> possibility is creating an ipxe image (i.e., an image that has ipxe in the 
> boot sector) that will boot ipxe even when the local disk is specified as the 
> boot device.
> -- 
> Brian Bennett
> Systems Engineer, Cloud Operations
> Joyent, Inc. | www.joyent.com
>> On Jun 11, 2018, at 1:19 PM, Rob Seastrom <rs-li...@seastrom.com> wrote:
>> In a recent thread, Brian mentioned the "mini DHCP server" in the KVM brand 
>> zone.
>> I had a couple of questions about that that have been rattling around in the 
>> back of my head for a while...
>> First off, is there a way to turn this off and allow the guest in the KVM 
>> zone to DHCP from another server elsewhere on the vlan?  Some combination of 
>> nics.*.allow_dhcp_spoofing and configuring the NIC with no IP address?  I 
>> don't see any nics.*.dhcp_client in the vmadm man page...
>> Second, assuming the above is feasible, does the SeaBIOS (which I think is 
>> what we're running in qemu) know enough to PXEboot?  I want to netboot 
>> http://ipxe.org and chain on to doing other things.
>> Goal here is development environment for custom ipxe builds and preseeds for 
>> bare metal imaging.
>> Anyone done anything like this before?  I've been using vmware as a dev 
>> environment and it is wearing thin because of what a pain it is to do my 
>> repeated pave-and-rebuild cycles.
>> Thanks,
>> -r
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