
i have now built a PI:

which I noticed:

[root@assg10 /kernel/drv]# grep "ndd" *
bge.conf:# Some of the driver's parameters can also be changed using ndd(1m).

Does the i40e driver support dynamic parameter setting?

ndd -set /dev/ip ip_lso_outbound 0

Should the parameter be specified directly in the kernel module?

[root@assg10 /kernel/drv]# i40e.conf
tx_lso_enable = 0;

But what I noticed now:
Is there a way to read the firmware version?

[root@assg15-labor /var/adm]#
[root@assg15-labor /var/adm]# uptime
05:32:27    up 10 min(s),  0 users,  load average: 0,43, 0,26, 0,12
[root@assg15-labor /var/adm]#
[root@assg15-labor /var/adm]# grep "i40e" messages
2018-07-18T05:22:39.166597+00:00 assg15-labor mac: [ID 469746 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e0 registered 2018-07-18T05:22:39.166602+00:00 assg15-labor mac: [ID 469746 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e1 registered 2018-07-18T05:22:39.166608+00:00 assg15-labor mac: [ID 435574 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e0 link up, 10000 Mbps, full duplex 2018-07-18T05:22:39.166610+00:00 assg15-labor mac: [ID 435574 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e1 link up, 10000 Mbps, full duplex
[root@assg15-labor /var/adm]#

[root@assg10 /var/adm]#
[root@assg10 /var/adm]# uname -a
SunOS assg10.assdomain.intern 5.11 joyent_20180717T231500Z i86pc i386 i86pc
[root@assg10 /var/adm]#
[root@assg10 /var/adm]# grep "i40e" messages
2018-07-16T05:18:37.493763+00:00 assg10 genunix: [ID 403854 kern.notice] assertion failed: tcb != NULL, file: ../../common/io/i40e/i40e_transceiver.c, line: 2074 2018-07-16T05:18:37.493792+00:00 assg10 genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] fffffcc26b00b9d0 i40e:i40e_tx_cleanup_ring+e8 () 2018-07-16T05:18:37.493797+00:00 assg10 genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] fffffcc26b00ba10 i40e:i40e_stop+129 () 2018-07-16T05:18:37.493802+00:00 assg10 genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] fffffcc26b00ba40 i40e:i40e_m_stop+3b () 2018-07-16T05:18:37.495829+00:00 assg10 i40e: [ID 517869 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e0: The driver for the device detected a newer version of the NVM image (1.7) than expected (1.5).#012Please install the most recent version of the network driver.#012 2018-07-16T05:18:37.495957+00:00 assg10 mac: [ID 469746 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e0 registered 2018-07-16T05:18:37.495984+00:00 assg10 i40e: [ID 517869 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e1: The driver for the device detected a newer version of the NVM image (1.7) than expected (1.5).#012Please install the most recent version of the network driver.#012 2018-07-16T05:18:37.495987+00:00 assg10 mac: [ID 469746 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e1 registered 2018-07-16T05:18:37.496178+00:00 assg10 mac: [ID 435574 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e0 link up, 10000 Mbps, full duplex 2018-07-16T05:18:37.497026+00:00 assg10 savecore: [ID 570001 auth.error] reboot after panic: assertion failed: tcb != NULL, file: ../../common/io/i40e/i40e_transceiver.c, line: 2074 2018-07-16T05:47:48.248742+00:00 assg10 i40e: [ID 517869 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e0: The driver for the device detected a newer version of the NVM image (1.7) than expected (1.5).#012Please install the most recent version of the network driver.#012 2018-07-16T05:47:48.248908+00:00 assg10 mac: [ID 469746 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e0 registered 2018-07-16T05:47:48.248933+00:00 assg10 i40e: [ID 517869 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e1: The driver for the device detected a newer version of the NVM image (1.7) than expected (1.5).#012Please install the most recent version of the network driver.#012 2018-07-16T05:47:48.248936+00:00 assg10 mac: [ID 469746 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e1 registered 2018-07-16T05:47:48.249041+00:00 assg10 mac: [ID 435574 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e0 link up, 10000 Mbps, full duplex 2018-07-16T06:06:32.342890+00:00 assg10 savecore: [ID 570001 auth.error] reboot after panic: assertion failed: tcb != NULL, file: ../../common/io/i40e/i40e_transceiver.c, line: 2074 2018-07-16T07:18:37.991917+00:00 assg10 genunix: [ID 403854 kern.notice] assertion failed: tcb != NULL, file: ../../common/io/i40e/i40e_transceiver.c, line: 2074 2018-07-16T07:18:37.991936+00:00 assg10 genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] fffffcc2693919d0 i40e:i40e_tx_cleanup_ring+e8 () 2018-07-16T07:18:37.991942+00:00 assg10 genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] fffffcc269391a10 i40e:i40e_stop+129 () 2018-07-16T07:18:37.991947+00:00 assg10 genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] fffffcc269391a40 i40e:i40e_m_stop+3b () 2018-07-16T07:18:37.994581+00:00 assg10 i40e: [ID 517869 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e0: The driver for the device detected a newer version of the NVM image (1.7) than expected (1.5).#012Please install the most recent version of the network driver.#012 2018-07-16T07:18:37.994813+00:00 assg10 mac: [ID 469746 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e0 registered 2018-07-16T07:18:37.994854+00:00 assg10 i40e: [ID 517869 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e1: The driver for the device detected a newer version of the NVM image (1.7) than expected (1.5).#012Please install the most recent version of the network driver.#012 2018-07-16T07:18:37.994859+00:00 assg10 mac: [ID 469746 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e1 registered 2018-07-16T07:18:37.995437+00:00 assg10 mac: [ID 435574 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e0 link up, 10000 Mbps, full duplex 2018-07-16T07:18:37.997147+00:00 assg10 savecore: [ID 570001 auth.error] reboot after panic: assertion failed: tcb != NULL, file: ../../common/io/i40e/i40e_transceiver.c, line: 2074 2018-07-16T07:20:47.406454+00:00 assg10 savecore: [ID 570001 auth.error] reboot after panic: assertion failed: tcb != NULL, file: ../../common/io/i40e/i40e_transceiver.c, line: 2074 2018-07-16T07:33:29.851471+00:00 assg10 mac: [ID 486395 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e0 link down 2018-07-16T07:33:41.661476+00:00 assg10 mac: [ID 435574 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e0 link up, 10000 Mbps, full duplex 2018-07-16T07:37:51.479347+00:00 assg10 mac: [ID 486395 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e0 link down 2018-07-17T18:06:00.470125+00:00 assg10 i40e: [ID 517869 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e0: The driver for the device detected a newer version of the NVM image (1.7) than expected (1.5).#012Please install the most recent version of the network driver.#012 2018-07-17T18:06:00.470286+00:00 assg10 mac: [ID 469746 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e0 registered 2018-07-17T18:06:00.470296+00:00 assg10 i40e: [ID 517869 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e1: The driver for the device detected a newer version of the NVM image (1.7) than expected (1.5).#012Please install the most recent version of the network driver.#012 2018-07-17T18:06:00.470320+00:00 assg10 mac: [ID 469746 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e1 registered 2018-07-17T18:12:36.058503+00:00 assg10 mac: [ID 435574 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e0 link up, 10000 Mbps, full duplex 2018-07-17T18:40:29.920522+00:00 assg10 i40e: [ID 517869 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e0: The driver for the device detected a newer version of the NVM image (1.7) than expected (1.5).#012Please install the most recent version of the network driver.#012 2018-07-17T18:40:29.920710+00:00 assg10 mac: [ID 469746 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e0 registered 2018-07-17T18:40:29.920735+00:00 assg10 i40e: [ID 517869 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e1: The driver for the device detected a newer version of the NVM image (1.7) than expected (1.5).#012Please install the most recent version of the network driver.#012 2018-07-17T18:40:29.920754+00:00 assg10 mac: [ID 469746 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e1 registered 2018-07-17T18:40:29.921096+00:00 assg10 mac: [ID 435574 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e0 link up, 10000 Mbps, full duplex 2018-07-18T05:10:44.699737+00:00 assg10 i40e: [ID 517869 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e0: The driver for the device detected a newer version of the NVM image (1.7) than expected (1.5).#012Please install the most recent version of the network driver.#012 2018-07-18T05:10:44.699972+00:00 assg10 mac: [ID 469746 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e0 registered 2018-07-18T05:10:44.700008+00:00 assg10 i40e: [ID 517869 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e1: The driver for the device detected a newer version of the NVM image (1.7) than expected (1.5).#012Please install the most recent version of the network driver.#012 2018-07-18T05:10:44.700014+00:00 assg10 mac: [ID 469746 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e1 registered 2018-07-18T05:10:44.700408+00:00 assg10 mac: [ID 435574 kern.info] NOTICE: i40e0 link up, 10000 Mbps, full duplex
[root@assg10 /var/adm]#

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