Dear list,

we started experimenting with bhyve recently (joyent_20180802T002654Z)
and ran into some issues and open questions:

1. Are the 'old' SmartOS virtual machines images, e.g.

47f66e34-2c6d-11e8-bef9-4780fac9ac03 centos-7 20180320 linux zvol 2018-03-20

supposed to be usable under bhyve? I have tested installing the centos-7
image using b6-json

with the image uuid replaced by that of the centos-7 image. This VM
comes up, vmadm console works, but it does not get its network settings.

2. Is there a migration path from TYPE=KVM to TYPE=BHYV? I modified the
brand attribute in /etc/zones/...xml file of an a earlier installed
instance (image uuid 6aac0370-56b8-11e7-a29b-df1de8b42795 = centos-6
20170621) and startet the VM. It comes up, network is up, I can ssh
into the VM. But

   - there is no output on vmadm console
   - mdata-get sdc:net hangs and repeats "plat_recv timeout"
   - a start script hangs:

  |-rc,757 /etc/rc.d/rc 3
  |   `-bash,1485 /etc/rc3.d/S99local start
  |       `-mdata-get,1495 dummykey

   - vncviewer connects to the vnc port but does not ask
     for the password and shows only a black screen.

3. I added vnc_port and vnc_password to the b6-json and installed the
462d1d03-8457-e134-a408-cf9ea2b9be96  centos-bhyve-7 image. This starts
fine, has network and vmadm console but the vnc is not working as noted

Any suggestion is appreciated.

Kind Regards,

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