On Sat, 2009-01-24 at 13:19 +0100, Sander van Grieken wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new to this list, and maybe it has been discussed before, but I have a 
> proposal for the wakeup interface of the RealtimeClock module of odeviced.
> The problem with the current interface is that it only allows you to set or 
> reset the wakeup time, thereby overwriting the previous setting, which might 
> have been something some other app depended on. In other words, this service 
> doesn't allow for multiple applications to co-exist.
> My proposal is to change the wakeup service to a 'stateful' service, where 
> different clients can request a wakeup time, and the service manages the list 
> of requested wakeup times, selects the earliest wakeup time (in the future of 
> course) and programs the device wakeup timer. Once the timer fires (or when 
> the device enters suspend), the service selects the (chronologically) next 
> wakeup time and stores it in the wakeup timer.
> the API would look something like this;
> - RegisterWakeupTime ( time, appId )  # register a wakeup time from an 
> application (maybe dbus sees the ID of the caller, which would mae the appId 
> obsolete but I'm not so experienced with dbus)
> - UnregisterWakeupTime ( time, appId ) # clears a specific wakeup time
> - UnregisterWakeupTime ( appId )  # clears all wakeup requests from app appId
> - GetWakeupTime ()  # would return the first-to-occur wakeup time
> - ListWakeupTimes () # would return all requested wakeup times, in 
> chronological order

Something like this is available in "org.freesmartphone.Time.Alarm"
interface of otimed. Each app can only register one timestamp. When the
Alarm time is reached the service will call
org.freesmartphone.Application.Alarm() on the sender.

This is not yet documented, please look at subsystems/otimed/alarm.py
for more details. :( 

Jan Lübbe <jlue...@lasnet.de>            http://sicherheitsschwankung.de
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