Hello Didier,

as I understand you are responsible for the schedule. I'm not quite
sure how the proposed/accepted talks works in the wiki so I'm posing my
proposals here.
Feel free to add them or tell me where I should add them.

* State of the GPS DBus API in FSO
  Gypsy seems quite dead (version 0.6 from March 2008, three commits in
  one year), very few applications even use this interface. So if we're
  going to improve the API why not redesign it completely?
  How should a good DBus interface for GPS look like?

* dtest - a black-box approach to testing the FSO DBus API
  We need tests that test high level behaviour like resource state
  transitions on the actual device. Some things (call handling, sms)
  even require two devices under our control. dtest is an attempt to
  fill this gap.
  This could integrate with the "Joint FSO/SHR testing proposal",
  though I know nothing about it yet.

* Buzz-fix re-workshop: I'll bring all the equipment and components I
  need with me and hopefully we can fix a couple buzzing Neos. :-)

* Bring SHR to OE workshop: Since I'm just not going to build
  out-of-tree OE stuff I need to get the SHR recipies in OE. Jan and
  Stefan were also interested in this.

Daniel Willmann

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