Hi Timo,

On 29/04/2011 06:42, Timo Jyrinki wrote:
> During the night my native Neo compilation of 2.6.37 kernel succeeded,
> and is now uploaded to Debian's pkg-fso repository [1]. The sources
> are in git [2] as well, although this was again a complete rebase.

many thanks for this work - it's definitely useful.

I have a couple questions though:
- wouldn't you prefer to cross-compile such a large package, rather
  than build it natively?
- I'm not aware of these issues with the touchscreen, can you tell a
  bit more about the symptoms and where/when they're seen?
  (are there issues on Debian stable too?)

About the former, I'd like to mention that the current Linux kernels in
the hackable:1 project are cross-compiled Debian packages, while being
originally based on your packages. Just let me know if I should explain
how it's done.

Cheers and HTH,

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