On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 7:58 AM, Eric Brander <mailingli...@rednarb.com>

> Friends,
> Long-time smokeping user here, installing a new implementation on Centos
> 7.4.1708, getting an error when executing gmake install:
> root-> /usr/bin/gmake install
> Making install in thirdparty
> gmake[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/smokeping-2.7.1/thirdparty'
> echo "If the moduile install hangs, this may be because one of the modules
> expects you to press [return] without telling you ... just do it!"
> If the moduile install hangs, this may be because one of the modules
> expects you to press [return] without telling you ... just do it!
>   GEN      touch
> FCGI is up to date. (0.78)
> CGI is up to date. (4.38)
> CGI::Fast is up to date. (2.13)
> Config::Grammar is up to date. (1.12)
> Socket6 is up to date. (0.28)
> IO::Socket::SSL is up to date. (2.054)
> Digest::HMAC_MD5 is up to date. (1.01)
> Net::Telnet is up to date. (3.04)
> Net::OpenSSH is up to date. (0.74)
> ! Couldn't find module or a distribution CPAN::Meta (2.142060)
> ! Installing the dependencies failed: Module 'CPAN::Meta' is not installed
> ! Bailing out the installation for Module-Build-0.4224.
> ! Installing the dependencies failed: Module 'Module::Build' is not
> installed
> ! Bailing out the installation for Net-SNMP-v6.0.1.
> Net::LDAP is up to date. (0.65)
> Net::DNS is up to date. (1.14)
> IO::Pty is up to date. (1.12)
> LWP is up to date. (6.31)
> Authen::Radius is up to date. (0.26)
> *gmake[1]: *** [touch] Error 123*
> gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/smokeping-2.7.1/thirdparty'
> gmake: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
> root-> cpan Module::Build
> Reading '/root/.cpan/Metadata'
>   Database was generated on Wed, 21 Mar 2018 18:29:03 GMT
> Module::Build is up to date (0.4224).
> root-> cpan CPAN::Meta
> Reading '/root/.cpan/Metadata'
>   Database was generated on Wed, 21 Mar 2018 18:29:03 GMT
> CPAN::Meta is up to date (2.150010).
> root-> yum install net-snmp-devel net-snmp
> Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
> Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
>  * base: dallas.tx.mirror.xygenhosting.com
>  * epel: mirror.colorado.edu
>  * extras: centos.unixheads.org
>  * updates: mirrors.usinternet.com
> Package 1:net-snmp-devel-5.7.2-28.el7_4.1.x86_64 already installed and
> latest version
> Package 1:net-snmp-5.7.2-28.el7_4.1.x86_64 already installed and latest
> version
> Nothing to do
> Maybe related - as a long-time user, I installed all the dependencies
> manually before attempting the Smokeping install, but this new installer
> is also trying to install these thirdparty tools. Maybe some issue there?
> Any other ideas?
> Thanks,
> Eric
Didn't get any responses to this last time so I'm throwing my line in again
to see I get any bites.

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