Vicar gives out porn videos

A vicar has given his flock hardcore porn videos instead of a video about God's message at Christmas after a mix-up at a copying factory.

About 300 people ended up with the XXX-rated material in the German town of Lampoldshausen.

The evangelical congregation had hoped to spread the word about Jesus to those who did not enjoy reading - but churchgoers found themselves handed videos containing hardcore sex scenes instead.

Local parish priest Frithjof Schwesig said: "There was a mistake at the copying factory in Munich."

He and church helpers who distributed the videos have also come under fire from local residents - even though they collected the videos again as soon as the mistake was discovered.

The priest estimates that only five to seven people in the village actually watched the film.

"All the other copies were collected in time," he said.

Father Frithjof said: "The project has received enormous publicity through the mix-up - even if that wasn't the original idea. God moves in mysterious ways, and best of all, the people who ordered the porn now have our religious films about Jesus in their video recorders."

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