Dean Defends Theory That Bush Knew of 9/11 Plot

Democratic presidential front-runner Howard Dean insisted on Sunday that "we don't know" whether President Bush was warned in advance about al-Qaeda's plot to hijack airplanes and drive them into the World Trade Center and Pentagon two years ago.

While saying he didn't personally believe in the theory that Bush got a 9/11 heads-up from Saudi Arabia, Dean told Fox News Sunday, "We don't know and it would be a nice thing to know."

Asked why, in an interview last Monday with Washington, D.C., radio host Diane Rehm, he floated what most regard as a nutty conspiracy theory, Dean said, "Because there are people who believe that."

Pressed on why he told Rehm that a Bush-Saudi-9/11 connection was a "most interesting theory," Dean told Fox, "Because it's a pretty odd theory."

Dean said suspicions are justified "because the president won't give [top secret national security information] to the Kean Commission," adding, "we really don't know what the explanation is."

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