At 10:01 AM 4/14/2004, you wrote:
In the default logrotate.cmd script is a move in stead of a ren command. Is there any special reason for that? As Ren is an internal command and move an external command I would have expected Ren to be used.

That's a good point - I guess I used move because I was in my *nix head using mv. Ren would be a better choice I think. With version 2-3 log rotation scripts may have to be rethought since 2-3 accepts a 'rotate' command which cleanly rotates the current log file. A new log rotation script would do something like (pseudo-script):

[snflicid].exe rotate
copy [snflicid].log.2* /sniffer/log-archives
ftp-upload [snflicid].log.2*

p.s. Did my comment about an updated AutoSNF.cmd file make it to you Pete? I sent it to the list friday april 9th but it never made it back overhere?

I don't seem to have it.

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