At 05:56 PM 4/21/2004, you wrote:
At 04:56 PM 4/20/04 -0400, Pete McNeil wrote:
>Just to follow up in the same thread, the compilers were running, but the
>update notifications were not going out. We missed it locally because our
>local update notifications follow a different path and because the
>compilers were running normally. I have adjusted our monitoring processes

Might there be another problem with this? It's been 18 hours since the last
update notification email.

There was... you should be getting an update notification soon. I'm doing a spot check now and things seem to be running smoothly. There was a DNS issue with one of our resolvers - it was intermittent and was causing the compiler daemons to fail silently when sending out some of the notifications... I'm still working on how "silently" could happen there.


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