At 08:09 PM 5/9/2004, you wrote:
The persistent mode stopped working after installing new program.

Revert back to old one and it works???

Start xxxxxx.exe xxxxxxxxx persistent

I've not tried running it that way - though it should work if you're willing to remain logged in. Normally you would run the persistent instance using a utility that allows it to run as a service.

At any rate - there are only cosmetic differences between the beta and the release version - and the release version has been running live on our server for more than 48 hours without a hitch.

Can you be more specific about what you mean by "stopped working" ?
Did it crash with an error?
Did it crash without an error?
Some other indication?

Please note: the production version of the persistent mode does not produce any output under normal conditions. The beta version did emit a number of messages for debugging and monitoring purposes. If you are seeing a blank screen where the persistent instance is running that would be normal.

Hope this helps,

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