
My config file was completely unedited, i.e. every setting was commented out. I verified that one and a half hours after the config change this rule was still hitting until I had restarted the service. Maybe there is a bug in the persistent engine reloading the config without intervention...



Pete McNeil wrote:

On Tuesday, May 10, 2005, 12:45:53 PM, Computer wrote:

CHS> Mail from Comcast is still getting caught, even with the panic rule in
CHS> place.  Any suggestions?

* be sure you have updated <rulbase>.cfg

* be sure your entry is in the correct format. You will find examples
at the bottom of your .cfg file with each example commented out. The
easiest way to make the entry is to change the number in one of the
examples and remove the # and any spaces in front of it. An active
rule-panic entry will being on the first character of the line.

The persistent engine should reload and pick up your change within no
more than 10 minutes unless you have altered your timing settings.

For immediate results you should issue "<rulebase>.exe reload" from
your command line, Or you could restart your persistent instance

Hope this helps,


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