We actually did that exact thing, went from Imail to MDaemon when Imail
started drastically increasing their prices a year or so ago.  We are using
the same scripts now with MDaemon that we used in Imail and they just fine
(I think they may be Bills Landry's scripts).  As for license file, it
transferred over without any issues either.  The plugin works great too,
MDaemon is much better than Imail, although I do miss declude functionality.
We have MDaemon setup to automatically delete spam messages based upon some
of the higher accuracy return codes (such as the adult themed ones) and have
the ones that have a higher false positive chance to simply move the spam
messages to the MDaemon user spam directory.  I also setup a rule to
automatically delete these spam captured messages every 5 days from the
users spam directories to keep the clutter down.  This works great for us
and I would highly recommend that transition.  

Jim Matuska Jr.
Computer Tech2, CCNA
Nez Perce Tribe
Information Systems


-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Grant Stufft
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 9:25 AM
To: sniffer@SortMonster.com
Subject: [sniffer] Automate MDaemon Updating

Has anyone got an automated updating script for updating rulebases for 
MDaemon.  I am just demoing the software now.  The plugin seems to be 
working well.  I have used the Imail script from the website that Bill 
Landry contributed (thanks Bill).  Is there a way to automatically send 
the conformation email that the update worked as it was supposed to like 
it does in IMail?  If we discontinue Imail usage and go to MDaemon will 
the Sniffer license transfer OK?  (Only running one server with it at a 


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