Hello Gary,

Friday, August 25, 2006, 2:13:49 PM, you wrote:

> I've checked your license id (based on your domain) and it is not
> expired - updates seem to be working normally.

> Is your update script working correctly?

> Yes, My script is working. I have it set to get updates twice a day, at 0600
> and 1800.

Rulebase updates come out approximately every 2 hours. If you update
your rulebase only twice per day then you will definitely see a lot
more spam --- The blackhats have become very sophisticated and
aggressive. Sometimes minutes count.

> I also have a log upload script for once a day, it looks like it works
> because I see they get cycled, but I don't have any confirmation or logging
> on the script, as I am using the generic script from sortmonster.

That's fine.

> I guess I may not have the weights set high enough to filter the spam? I am
> using sniffer as my primary spam catch. On my weighting, if it passes 
> sniffer I let it go through, as I add points.

Most likely your problem is that your updates are too infrequent. Best
practice is to trigger your update script when your system receives an
update notification from us.


> Thanks for any help!
> If it would help, I could attach my conf file  (without auth code of 
> course...)

I don't think that will be necessary. The first step will be to update
your rulebase more often - preferably triggered by our update
notifications. I think that alone will have a significant positive



Pete McNeil
Chief Scientist,
Arm Research Labs, LLC.

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