
I have left all of those processes active for troubleshooting, and they are still there and definitely Sniffer. Process Explorer even shows what command line the executable was run with so I was able to do some digging in the logs for specifics.

I found that Declude was recording errors related to Sniffer, and Sniffer was not logging the messages or associated events at all. Here's what Declude is showing:

06/14/2007 09:11:01.665 q3d2b00d400009610.smd ERROR: External program SNIFFER-IP didn't finish quick enough; terminating. 06/14/2007 09:11:01.665 q3d2b00d400009610.smd Couldn't get external program exit code

Now it could be that Declude is causing issues by trying to terminate Sniffer.

FYI, I don't have a stack up of any additional files in my Sniffer directory, and the service is started and everything seems fine outside of this one period of time when my server got wallopped. What happened was that one customer with over 1,000 addresses received 950 E-mails from a ConstantContact customer in spam run from harvested addresses. They can deliver fast enough that it likely stressed my system for a moment, and triggered this behavior. It could also be that the content of these messages caused an issue with Sniffer. My server has 8 cores in it, and if it reached 100% CPU, it only did so for a moment in time.

This very likely could be associated with heap issues, but I did double my heap memory the other day, and normally it doesn't cause processes like this to just hang in the background doing nothing. That other application that hung about 10 times during this period is what suggests that it could be a heap issue because I know that app to be the first to go under stress (it is not a service). That app does an average of over 50 DNS lookups and has a lot more latency than Sniffer does, so it is remarkable that Sniffer hung 100 times and that app only hung 10 times. That suggests to me that maybe something better could be done in terms of cleaning up these processes.

I'll keep the server in this state until the evening in the event that you want to take a look at it.



Pete McNeil wrote:

Hello Matt,

Thursday, June 14, 2007, 12:44:32 PM, you wrote:




I also had about 10 errors waiting to be cleared from another application, but probably because of the way that Sniffer works (as a service or something related), the Sniffer processes are just hung without a prompt. I saw this last week also.

I have Declude set for 200 processes, so it probably reached 300 when the first 100 hung, and then it stayed with those 100 hung. Is there anything that can be done in Sniffer to kill off these hung processes in an automated and proactive manner? I recently upgraded to the latest version and I was probably a version or two behind, and I don't recall this happening before.

It seems very unlikely that SNF instances would be hung -- they will either time-out themselves or be killed off by Declude. Please let us know if there are any errors in your SNF log.

Also - check the SNF working directory to make sure you don't have a lot of old job files hanging around. That can cause SNF instances to relax their timing based on the assumption there is a high system load -- with relaxed timing they will stay around longer waiting for results.

If you find that you do have a lot of old job files hanging around then you should clean them out to get things going normally again.


Wait for all jobs to finish

Stop your persistent instance

Remove all left-over job files (QUE, WRK, FIN, ABT, XXX, SVR)

Restart your persistent instance

Restart SMTP

Also, presuming you have a persistent instance - make sure that is still running. If that had failed for some reason then you might be running now in peer-server mode which will be a bit slower than persistent mode.

Hope this helps,



Pete McNeil

Chief Scientist,

Arm Research Labs, LLC.


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