
our sniffer doesn't work anymore, so I made an Update from the 2.9 Beta to 3.0 
I did it from the beginning,  emptied the directory (no, not planned) and 
copied everything new in and modified the configs.

I'm getting "snf2check: myIDHere.new ERROR_RULE_AUTH when I try to download the 
rulebase. (I created an updateready.txt by hand)

What am I doing wrong?

I checked

-          getrulebase.cmd (directory, Auth,  License)

-          snf_engine.xml (directories)

-          identity.xml (license,  Auth)




Siller AG, Wannenaeckerstrasse 43, 74078 Heilbronn
Vorstand: Prof. H.-F. Siller (Vorsitzender), Joern Buelow, Ralf Michi
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Dr. Peter Baumeister
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