
http://oss.netfarm.it/clamav seems to be ideal. I just installed it.

a) runs as a Windows Service (using clamd --install)
b) has registry settings to point to "db" and "conf" subfolders
c) accepts trailing backslash

The only remaining issue with Declude is the Declude's inability of
extracting the infected file name and virus name from the "Reports.txt" file
- but that's really a problem with Declude's lack of parsing ability.

Gee - I wish Sniffer had a configuration option to tie into ClamD...

Best Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Message Sniffer Community [mailto:snif...@sortmonster.com] On Behalf
Of Mxuptime.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2009 11:44 PM
To: Message Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: ClamAID


Just to add to the following topic. We've been bundling win32 builds of
ClamD together with our product since the beginning and have some experience
working with the win32 versions. These are my observations and thoughts :

1. http://w32.clamav.net/ has not been updated quite awhile and is rather

2. There are no official Win32 builds of ClamAV at the moment but from what
I understand/read the next release .95 will have a native official win build

3. There are 3 popular updated win32 builds that include ClamD. One that
runs in Cygwin (http://www.sosdg.org/clamav-win32) by Brielle Burns and the
other 2 native win32 builds available at http://hideout.ath.cx/clamav and
http://oss.netfarm.it/clamav. If i am not mistaken both of these win32
builds were actually built from http://w32.clamav.net and then updated to
the current versions

The Sosdg build has been extremely solid but sometime back Brielle mentioned
that the project would be discountinued. But Later decided to continue with
the project. The only shortcoming is that if you have other Cygwin
daemon/services running you might have issues if there are different
versions of the cygwin1.dll in use. For what its worth, SmarterMail uses
this build.

Overall, I have not found a lot of difference in both the other 2 native
win32 builds. And they appear to be updated fairly quickly and frequently.
Its fairly straightfoward to have clamD running as services but the ClamD
daemon (in my experience) has known to have crashed once in awhile and as
such you will need to have a watchdog/recovery service monitor the daemon
and restart when necessary.


-----Original Message-----
From: Message Sniffer Community [mailto:snif...@sortmonster.com] On Behalf
Of Andrew Wallo
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 4:38 AM
To: Message Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: ClamAID

 Sniffer Folks, - ASchmidt...

> ClamAV's web site states that they won't [ continue to support] and 
> development has been stopped?
> http://w32.clamav.net/

Oddly, I would have bet hard cash that page didn't say that just a week ago.

I went there just recently in order to affirm I had the same dated MSI as 
was on their site prior to release of ClamAID.  Plus a live webinar I 
attended with ClamAV folks at the end of Dec, personally reassured me that 
they intended to move forward on the Win Updates.  ( Which is why that page 
out-and-out shocked me. ) Nevermind the fact that a lot of the emulation 
ports were dieing off because of the 'official' native win32 was easier to 

However, all is not lost.  If you read the ClamAV site... Nigel Horn has 
been recently promoted in their organization and it was his efforts that 
kept the Windows port alive.  I've included a recent letter from him to the 
ClamAV win32 list below, ( just posted ) which claims they will resume 
support at some (undefined) time in the future.  Based on other 
expectations, probably not until after their main codebase rewrite releases 
in March of 09.  Add deadline extentions etc. and you are probably well into

fall.  ( Clearly to long to rely on an outdated engine. ) But Nigel seems 
inclined to enable interested parties to push the ports independantly.

Since the other two independant win32 ports do not include the clamd.exe 
port, Pete and I are in discussion about whether it will be more efficient 
to take on an ArmResearch port to win32, and throwing out the ClamAV MSI 
altogether.  This would solve a lot of the ClamAID's complexity in fixing 
the install issues that come with the existing ClamAV MSI and it would get 
us an updated engine a lot sooner than is likely with the waiting list of 
upgrades from ClamAV.

We'll keep you posted.

Andrew Wallo


I'm sorry that I've not been able to put time and effort into continuing
the support of ClamAV on the Windows system.

The ClamAV team intend to restart support for Windows as soon as we can.

In the meantime I am also aware that not much has been happening on the
Powertools front. For those of you that don't know, the Powertools
is a suite of programs that enhance the features of ClamAV under Windows.

* clamdService - a service to start clamd and freshclam

* clamAVShellExt - an extension to Windows Explorer to add the option to
  right-click any file/folder and have that file/folder scanned by ClamAV

* clamOffice - an extension to Microsoft Word to use ClamAV to scan for
viruses when a document is opened

* clamAVaddin - an extension to Microsoft Office to use ClamAV to scan
for viruses when an email is received.

Given that I'm aware that people use the above tools, I've uploaded the
code to https://sourceforge.net/projects/clamav-power/. The sources are
  available under SVN, at


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