I am attempting to write code that will have dynamically updated variables 
within a table. To accomplish this I am using VariantVariable as wrapper around 
the Variable that I pass in. 

However when I try to run this from within an AgentX agent, I get an class cast 
exception in AgentXProtocol. Specifically in the method encodeVariableData, the 
code is attempting to get the value based on the syntax by casting to the 
correct type. However since a VariantVariable can't be cast to different types 
this fails. 

The code can be fixed by the following changes:
<         buf.putInt((int) (((AssignableFromLong) v).toLong() & 0xFFFFFFFFL));
>         buf.putInt((int)(((UnsignedInteger32)v).getValue() & 0xFFFFFFFFL));
<         buf.putInt(((AssignableFromInteger) v).toInt());
>         buf.putInt(((Integer32)v).getValue());
<         buf.putLong(((AssignableFromLong) v).toLong());
>         buf.putLong(((Counter64)v).getValue());

For reference I have the following sample class that I use as the variable 
within my table when I add a row:

   public static class RandomCounterCallback extends ReadonlyVariableCallback
      long value = 0;

      public void updateVariable(final VariantVariable variable)
         this.value += (long) (Math.random() * 20);

final MOTable table = DefaultMOFactory.getInstance().createTable(oid, null, 
table.addRow(DefaultMOFactory.createRow(new OID("1"), new Variable[]{new 
VariantVariable(new Counter64(0), new RandomCounterCallback())}));

I am using this change locally within my system and am wondering if other 
people have hit this issue and if so if there is a different way of doing this.

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