
there are different possibilities for SNMP over TCP, which include:

A) along RFC3430, which basically means to send the BER-encoded SNMP PDU
over a TCP connection
B) along RFC3417, using SNMP over OSI : this specifies how to use an OSI
connection-less transport service for exchange of SNMP PDUs
    and then applying RFC1006 (ISO Transport Service on top of the TCP),
yielding together "SNMP over TCP" again.

Is it correct to say that 
- the DefaultTcpTransportMapping implementation supports variant A)  ?
- the DefaultTcpTransportMapping implementation does not support variant
B) ?

If above assumptions are true,
what would be needed in order to implement a manager that can support
variant B?

I am new to the list, so please apologize if this topic has been handled

br, Hermann

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